
황종성 HWANG, Jong-Sung

한국정보화진흥원 연구위원 & 스마트시티 국가시범도시 부산EDC 총괄계획가(MP)
Master Planner, Busan EDC National Pilot Smart City & Lead Researcher, National Information Society Agency

스마트시티 국가시범도시 부산EDC 총괄계획가(MP)(2018~)
한국정보화진흥원 정보화기획단장, 경영기획실장 등 (1995~)
한국국토정보공사 공간정보 정책자문위원(2019~)
부산광역시 남북교류협력위원회 위원(2019~)
UN ITU-D SG2 스마트시티 연구반 Vice Rapporteur(2018~)
국토교통부 국가스마트도시위원회 위원(2018~)
4차 산업혁명위원회 스마트시티 특별위원회 위원(2018~2018)
행정자치부 감사청구심의회 및 감사자문위원회/청렴자문위원회 위원(2017~)
정부3.0추진위원회 위원(2014~2017)
서울특별시 정보화기획단장(2011~2013)
세계전자정부협의체(WeGO) 사무총장(2011~2013)
연세대학교 정보대학원 겸임교수(2007~2015)
수상: 국민훈장 동백장(2016)
연세대학교 대학원 정치학과 석사&박사
연세대학교 정치외교학과 졸업

Dr. Jong-Sung Hwang is a lead researcher at the National Information Society Agency, leading research on smart city and future government. He also serves as the Master Planner of Busan National Pilot Smart City. He was a member of the Gov3.0 Committee of the Korean government from 2014 to 2017, which designs and coordinates government innovation initiatives at a vice-ministerial level. Dr. Hwang also worked as a Chief Information Officer of the Seoul Metropolitan Government from 2011 to 2013 and a Secretary-General of the World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO). As a CIO of Seoul, he launched the Smart Seoul 2015 initiatives in 2011 and has made Seoul the best model case for the smart city recommended by the ITU. He was awarded the Order of Civil Merit, Camellia Medal by the Korean government in 2016. Dr. Hwang holds a Master’s degree and a Doctoral degree in Political Science from Yonsei University in Korea.